And,'s raining again, sigh. Not turning out to be the best season for the tomatoes. Late start due to weather now temps are more like fall. And the rain....well let's just say the
spicket needs turned off now.
Margaret Curtain |
Just now starting to get some ripe maters. The first ripe was Margaret Curtain. A black heirloom from New Zealand. The tomato is A++++++ Love it! Just started drying seeds and making them available on the website. A nice one for serious collectors or those that just love a good black tomato.
Another gem I found in the garden this year was a
Marmande Garnier HEART!! I think last year one crossed with Everett's Rusty Oxheart. Saved seed from 1 and checking to see if I can stabilize it next season. Working name: Queen of Hearts.
I've been spending a lot of time uploading new data and products on the website. I should have everything
available for fall within the month.
Sooo proud of the new items.
Margaret Curtain |
I'm buying a pressure canner so I can do some serious sauce making this year. I just want to can until I drop. The only way I can be sure what is in the food my family eats. :-(
Hope all your gardens are flourishing!!