I have to admit...I am a huge fan of Farmer's markets. After growing tomatoes, there is nothing I like better in the summer than visiting the markets on the weekends.
Farmers' markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers. In a farmers' market, a group of farmers sell their products once or twice a week at a designated public place like a park or parking lot. Some farmers' markets have live entertainment. Shopping at a farmers' market is a great way to get local fresh, flavorful produce and seasonal items direct from the source.
One of the things I love about these markets is the diversity of products. You can get anything from homemade natural soaps to organic, fresh dog treats. Fresh cutting flowers, local honey, grass fed cheeses and meat and fresh seasonal berries are just a few of the things you can count on. Most of those products would cost you an arm and a leg thru a store but since there is no middle man, prices remain reasonable to low. Here in Ohio, the Amish are very present at the markets and a good place to find their products if you are looking.

If you have never made it to a farmer's market, this is the year I would do it. They run every weekend in most states and some areas have them year round. You'll get the best of the best, the freshest and the most in season produce available.
You can probably do a google search for markets in your local area.