Oh yessssssss. I've been buried in tomatoes for a couple of weeks now. Can't stop eating them. Already I can see which ones are real winners and which ones are a bust. Unfortunately, you will all have to wait for my All-Star and Waste of Garden Space review which should be up in a couple of weeks. This year for the first time ever I had a groundhog make a home under the garden. He was tunneling under my potatoes. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Had the neighbor set a live trap and capture him. No problems since.

All of the Sunflowers are in full bloom. I love them! They are such happy flowers. Always facing the sun so tall and majestic. It's like they stand gaurd over the garden. Lots of different Marigolds too.
I don't know about the rest of you but I've been eating BLT's non stop. This is the only time of year I eat them. My perfect BLT:
Toasted Organic bread
Hellman's mayo
big thick slab of garden tomato
little bit of sliced red onion
piment d' Espelette
fluer de sel.
I forgo the lettuce but any crunchy lettuce will work. Something about eating a garden fresh tomato on a BLT with a glass of home brewed iced mint tea that screams summer. I look forward to this all winter.
Hope you all are enjoying your garden and daily Blt's! Coming soon: the 2012 tomato review.