HA. HA. HA..... I found this guy hanging around my cucumber seedlings.. literally.. I think he is veeeeeery cute.
Here are my two new meat eating plants. Woot! I never really thought about them until my frien
d Sebastien was talking about his. Then I got kind of intrigued... they are very cool... even my mother is fasinated by them..(yeah, she asked for her own for Mother's day)
Here are my two new meat eating plants. Woot! I never really thought about them until my frien
Got the teepee up for the Scarlet Runner Beans.. I think this is going to be my garden masterpiece this summer.
Most of the seedlings are doing alright but I did lose a few :-( Grrrrrrrrrrrr.. I'm gonna try and make up some of the ones I lost at the nursery but I doubt they are going to have much of what I am looking for..
Lastly I did finally find a web designer for my web site. Will be up in October but you'll have to keep quessing about it until them.
Okay, that is just a quick up-date for now but I will do better next time LOL promise!