Some of the usual suspects showed up. Jerry and his wife, Gary and his friend Cathy, Susan and I finally got to meet Barbee. She is way cool.
Of course I spent most of my time hanging with my tomato hero Gary. I embarrass myself how much I gush over him but I can't help it. Of course he gave some of his special plants. I love to grow the stuff he gives me.
Earl gave us all a lesson on pot rolling. Hahaha... not that kind of pot. How to make seedling pots out of newspaper. I think I will tr
I came away with more tomatoes than I ever need but that is usually the case. Had a lot of fun with everyone. Barbee, you are so much fun. I'm glad I got to finally meet you. Next time I'm in Cincinnat we will have to meet up.
Susan, enjoyed talking to you. You are so nice.
To the 2 non-posters on Tomatoville (you know who you are), better get crackin' and start typing on the forum. :) Hope to see you all this fall and have a great season!